

Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease endemic in some areas of Gilan province. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of the personnel employed in Health System Network (Including Behvarzes, Kardans and physicians) on leprosy. Materials and Methods: Questionnaires consisting of 14 multiple choice questions for Behvarzes and 20 multiple choice questions for Kardans and physicians wee given to 268, Behvarzes 32 Kardans and 27 physicians employed in 4 areas of Gilan province (Roodsar, Rasht, Fooman and Roodbar). The questions included various aspects of leprosy. Results: 72.4% of Behvarzes scored excellent or good for the questions regarding the clinical features and epidemiology of leprosy. But the percentage of correct responses for Kardans and physicians were not satisfactory. Conclusion: The knowledge of Behvarzes about leprosy is enough for the integration of the program of elimination of leprosy in the Health System Network, at least in Gilan province. But further training for Kardans and physicians seems mandatory.
